Oasys MiniHollywood participates in the rescue of dangerous specimens

Last week the Nature Protection team of the Guardia Civil, Seprona, carried out the seizure of potentially dangerous animals, specifically poisonous snakes, among which were specimens of cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes.

To carry out this seizure as well as for the reception and preliminary care of the specimens, they were assisted by the staff and institutions of ARCO Spain, Oasys MiniHollywood and the Zoo of Castellar de La Frontera.

At all times, animal welfare was ensured with the necessary safety and prevention conditions, as well as having the necessary protocols for handling this type of animals, including the banks of antidotes necessary to be able to handle these species.

Once again the Oasys MiniHollywood Park Conservation Department provides technical assistance to these special actions carried out by the Spanish authorities.